Yandex Metrica


Always Further With Westanbul

Always Further With Westanbul

Westanbul, one of the largest consultancy companies in the world, provides agricultural and business consultancy to investors, farmers and land owners throughout Turkey and in many countries. In this issue, Westanbul CEO Dr. Abdullah İbrahim talked to you about their fields of activity, the countries they serve and the advantages of receiving professional consultancy services. Good reading.



Westanbul is leaving its mark in many countries around the world such as Qatar, Iraq, Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Jordan, with a huge portfolio managing hundreds of businesses including Agriculture and Livestock, Petroleum and Petrochemical sectors, Industrial Machinery and Real Estate Consulting.

With Westanbul Add New Value to Your Organization

With Westanbul Add New Value to Your Organization

As a leader in the sectors it provides consultancy services, Westanbul proves its service quality in many Middle Eastern and European countries, especially in Turkey. In this issue, Westanbul General Manager Abdullah İbrahim talked to you about the influence of Westanbul on the way to radical changes, and the possibilities of gaining the different and innovative identity you are looking for with Westanbul. Happy reading.